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A letter from Tracy: Divine Family Reunion

This past weekend was the Hipps Family Reunion, a family tradition. Next year we will host the 50th here in Birmingham, and I love my family: my kids, grandkids, and extended family. We gather three days a year to update the family tree and keep the tradition going. I represent my earthly father to carry on his name in this Hipps family tradition. My family means so much, as does my divine family. The divine family is the family I will spend eternity with forever, as will you, too, if you are part of the Christian family of God.

Together, our divine family is eternal, and eternity represents a quality of life we can have now and forever. This family has one Father whom we serve. We read from the same Bible and follow the commands written for us all. This family has a shared vision of disciple-making while here on earth. We also have the same royal law to live by daily: to love God with all our hearts, souls, mind, and might and love our neighbors as ourselves. Our family members are unique and made in God’s image and likeness. When we come together, we are united, and God’s goal is for us to live in harmony.

Our divine family grows as we share how to enter the family. A couple of our partners are Urban Young Life and Elevate Birmingham. They took kids to camp last week, and several kids came to Christ for the first time. The family has new members with names added to the family tree. This year at Kids Across America (KAA), we had 13 kids come to Christ for the first time. When that happens at KAA, they ring the bell. The family bells ring as we listen to the stories of change and transformation, adding new members to the family of God.

Our divine family has Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that operates as One. They teach us and guide us in the ways of truth, justice, and righteousness. Our family is to reflect the attitude and actions of our Father. We have his words that teach us the right way. The Son is the image of all the Father wants us to be. His Spirit guides us to the right path for our daily lives. We have his counsel that leads us in the right direction. Today, as I spend time with my Father, I am amazed and consumed by his love for me and the time he gives me. My Father affirms me, and I desire to make him proud daily.

Our divine family is responsible for living out the purpose for which God created us. We have a holy calling as family members to represent our Father in his Kingdom. His given us a divine design for use in his Kingdom. We have a godly family we are to spend time with and invest in for the advancement of the Kingdom. I am so glad I am a part of the family of God and have helped raise a new generation of divine followers in our family tree. You and I are a part of this heavenly family that will spend eternity together, and while we still have time, let’s make every day a family reunion with eternal significance.

Our divine family is the Church and its people we serve daily at CSM. We exist to support the local family in unity, harmony, and peace. Your prayer and support keep us connected as a family. When we serve together, we feel like a Divine Family Reunion.

– Tracy

Previous letters from 2023:

  1. Eternal Life
  2. Need to Know
  3. What’s in a Name?
  4. Swat Teams (volunteerism)
  5. Future Focus 2023
  6. Divine Design