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A letter from Tracy: Swat Teams (volunteerism)

I love tv shows and movies about SWAT Teams. SWAT stands for Special Weapons and Tactics but also means striking or hitting with a sharp blow. With all the shootings and violence today, when I hear the news say the SWAT team has been called in, I know that this team serves a special purpose to remove the threat and restore peace. The dynamics of the SWAT team are about working together to accomplish an assignment. SWAT team members move in tandem to stay tight and move together to achieve a common purpose. At CSM, we help train and equip people for Kingdom service to achieve a common purpose through our ministry here.

CSM is a ministry designed to be volunteer-driven, and this is a guiding principle for us. We want to engage people in serving with our churches, in communities, within our cities, and throughout the world. We have set up our organization to invest in people and equip them to live out our calling of disciple-making. CSM has had volunteer SWAT Teams for more than ten years. We have seen the results in the impact of Biblical work. SWAT stands for Serving with Available Time, Talent, and Treasure. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is there, your heart will be.” To me, the name CSM means Christians Serving the Mission of God. Service and serving are what we do in our divine design.

CSM has another guiding principle which is working with the local church. We are now getting to the desired result of spending about 75% of our energy, time, resources, and vision on serving the local churches. The governing body, leadership, and image of the local church are foundational to fulfilling our kingdom purpose. The ministry of CSM is connecting resources with needs, which is about connecting people to see the glory of God revealed. We have seen that in our SWAT teams as they have served at the warehouse to advance the mission. SWAT teams aid in disasters as they prepare goods for use in other cities through their local churches and ministries. We have seen it in our housing ministry, where our SWAT team has seen lives changed in the people whose houses we repair.

As you read this article and think about your life, where do you see yourself investing in Kingdom and Biblical work of ministry using your hands, feet, eyes, mind, and heart? The SWAT teams at CSM allow people to serve and volunteer regularly in their season of life to add value and purpose to themselves and those with whom God calls us to minister. If this rings true in your heart today, contact us and let us help you find a place to use your time, talents, and treasure as a SWAT team member. Serve the Lord faithfully and help bring the Shalom back to our city.

– Tracy

Previous letters from 2023:

  1. Eternal Life
  2. Need to Know
  3. What’s in a Name?