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Our hearts break as we watch Ukraine and its people destroyed by Putin and the Russian government. Our prayers for peace are ever more urgent as we face the enemy every day and see evil all around us. We are called to be peacemakers, and before we can judge everyone else, we start with ourselves.

I’m reminded of the charge in 2 Timothy 4:7, which tells us to “train yourself in godliness.” I need to work on this as I continue developing myself as a peacemaker and holistic disciple-maker.

  • How will I develop my mind for Christ?

– Daily reading and studying God’s purpose and plan for his world and me.

  • How will I focus my eyes?

– Daily fixing my eyes on Christ through His Grand Commandment and Great Commission

  • How will I use my ears to listen?

– I will listen for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit who lives within me

  • How will I use even my nose for Christ?

– I need to ask myself, “Does my life carry the pleasing aroma of Jesus? Do I bring life or death with me wherever I go?”

  • How will I use my mouth for Jesus?

– I will speak words of truth and peace to those in my path each day.


Training ourselves in Godliness carries the peace of God within us. Jesus brings peace when my mind is on him. I see peace when my eyes are focused on him, and I hear peace when I listen to his voice. I offer the fragrance of peace when I offer life to others. I speak peace because of the hope I have regardless of what is happening in the circumstances in this world. Training ourselves in Godliness occurs when we spend time daily being with God. This allows us to have the bond of peace with all people.

Our presence with God brings about Godliness, which leads us to take actions that will bring peace to the world around us. Having the love of God within us should give us the desire to see peace lived out in humanity. Our conduct should show our love for the Lord and others with this desire. These character qualities on display show others who I am and what I believe. Godliness is our actions, attitudes, character, and conduct before God and man. Peace inside comes when we have these attributes growing. Peace outside comes when we live out what is inside. Putin and many in the world do not know God, and therefore, they do not know peace. Let’s pray for that to change.

CSM equips leaders with skills to better change their communities. We love our communities and are more focused today than ever before, equipping churches to better reach their communities with the gospel’s good news by distributing vitally needed resources. Thank you for praying for us and continuing to support our efforts of gospel ministry.

– Tracy