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FCC Johnson City visits CSM, and our hearts were glad!

Ms. Hill and her daughter Ms. Moses live one door down from one another. These sweet ladies love the Lord and serve Him faithfully. They prayed and waited many months for their roofs to be replaced after applying to the City of Birmingham Block grant. Finally, they each received a new roof a few months ago and were thrilled with the results. We met Ms. Hill and Ms. Moses because of our work with the City of Birmingham. Ms. Moses had also requested repair to her rotting deck, and Ms. Hill needed a handicap ramp installed. CSM wanted to get involved, help this family in need, and serve the Lord.

A youth volunteer group from First Christian Church, Johnson City, Tennessee accomplished these projects in God’s perfect time. This group previously served alongside CSM. They were ready, willing, and eager to help Ms. Hill and Ms. Moses. While here, the youth volunteers learned about the habits of a good disciple of Jesus. Each one was used to do these good works prepared beforehand (Ephesians 2:10).

The Johnson City group was split into two groups. One group worked at the construction sites. The other served at CSM’s warehouse sorting back-to-school items and Father’s Day gifts for outreach programs in the Birmingham community. At the home of Ms. Hill, one group of girls built a handicap ramp almost entirely on their own under the supervision of the Construction Director, Aaron Parsons. They learned how to mix concrete and use power tools, including a circular saw. Aaron talked to the volunteers about what peace in Jesus looks like, using the verse Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility,” to describe what life as a disciple of Christ should look like.

The FCC Johnson group helped to serve Ms. Hill and Ms. Moses. Now they have the opportunity to take back to Johnson City a desire to serve their community in whatever way they can, big and small.

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