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Tony Evans defines this as “The visible manifestation of the comprehensive rule of God over every area of life.” The word of God needs to be the foundation of everything we do and say. At CSM, we are committed to serving the people of God and the house of God. God established two institutions, the family and the church.  CSM longs to serve the church so that the church can reach the families. This is our strategy for the multiplication of kingdom work. God has put us in a position to have a large warehouse and about 4 acres of land to run this operation. We see everything in this place as a tool for the gospel and steward these resources to reach, equip, empower, and sustain families in our communities. The food we distribute is for the health and sustainability of the family. The homes we repair are for empowerment to the families, as a home is one of the most valuable physical resources you own, and improving homes improves the quality of life. The gardens serve to teach and feed families in need. The volunteers we mobilize are here to help to further God’s visible mission in teaching and reaching people. The blessing in the volume and amount that we can share is amazing, but the beauty is that we do it with and for the local churches believing that they are the institution God has called to disciple and grow disciple-makers.

This year we will serve thousands of families, and it will all be through our local partner churches. This spiritual pandemic has shown us that God’s Kingdom agenda is to allow the church to be on display for the world to see the great things God’s people can and will do for those in need. Working with African American pastors and leaders with a vision for disciple-making and community development, we build relational partnerships with churches in inner-city communities. We are currently working on a home in the Avondale/ Woodlawn area, partnering with the local church coming alongside the pastor’s vision. We are excited about God’s visible work in the communities of need with God’s church. 

God has laid out his agenda in his word. God’s people must spend time in scripture to know the King’s way for his Kingdom. Daily as we seek the Father’s agenda, he will guide us through his Holy Spirit to do the work of service for the Kingdom. We are honored to be a part of the King’s agenda working with Kingdom churches that God has blessed and instituted for CSM to serve through for the next generation.