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Six months into our response to Covid-19, we had a chance to sit down with Resource Director, Rhonda Marshall, about how CSM continues to respond and how we are called to be more than just a warehouse of goods; we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Our mission at CSM has always been to connect resources with needs. When Covid-19 arose, CSM was one of the very few resource centers that remained serving and receiving goods. “During times of disaster, the pace increases. It is tempting to pump out products and forget our duty to advance the Kingdom through relationships- this process often takes longer, not serving as many, but ultimately serving the Lord.”

What makes CSM different is our commitment to serving through the local church. This commitment provides for better relationship building and more sustainable service. A large part of Rhonda’s role includes developing relationships with the contact person of each church we serve, visiting the facility, and genuinely listening to the community’s needs through those who live and work in the immediate area.

Rhonda is gifted and diligent in knowing about all that comes into the warehouse and is continually watching for items, whether it be food, medical supplies, school supplies, etc., that would be perfect fits for those we serve.

Just recently, CSM accepted a donation of healthy foods, juices, and applesauce, and Rhonda immediately thought of one of our ministry partners that runs a daycare facility. When she made the call to the church telling them of the goods, they were baffled by the Lord’s perfect timing, saying they had just been fretting over how they were going to make it even to the next day with feeding the kids. Rhonda says, “I can’t even tell you how many times I call people, and they say they needed that very thing. That’s how we know God is working; it’s not us.”

Not only does CSM focus mainly on relationships, but Rhonda also makes sure that everything that goes out of our doors is of the best quality. Her philosophy is to “serve with excellence. We are called to give our first fruits and hold nothing back. What God provides; we give away knowing that God will restore. It’s about seeing everyone we serve as made in the image of God- they are all worthy of high-quality service and resources, with no strings attached.”