Our construction team has been busy putting roofs on homes for deserving
families and working on an ongoing interior home renovation project. One of the
sweetest projects of the past month was a roofing job that evolved into a siding project.
These homeowners were touched to see that their deep need was being met without
them even having to seek out a fix, because God’s people were the ones who sought
them out first. They felt a love that only the people of God can uniquely communicate
to strangers!
At the site of this project, the couple sat on the bed of their truck, with tear-filled
eyes, watching our volunteers replace their siding. God also provided to where we were
able to put some windows in their home, and after the first night of them being in their
home with the new windows they remarked, “the blinds aren’t moving!” The wind was
always getting through the window with a strong draft, but now they have proper
insulation! This couple has jumped in and started working alongside of our volunteers to
get the job done, and it’s been so sweet to see them connecting with the Church. We
are so grateful for how God provided above and beyond for this family!