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Christian Community Development Association’s (CCDA) mission is to create a strong fellowship and connection between those engaged in Christian community development. The CCDA supports and encourages practitioners and helps inspire Christians to launch new community ministries and/or become involved in existing work that is moving the needle like Christian Service Mission!

We were honored to have CCDA president, Noel Castellanos, come to CSM to share why the work of Christian community development is so important. Noel is on a national speaking tour to thirty cities to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the CCDA in every city where the annual conference has been held. He is on mission to encourage  individuals and organizations to embrace the Christian community development model and understand the importance of partnering with the local church to bring true and lasting transformation to under-resourced and distressed communities.

CSM is a member of the CCDA, which emphasizes eight basic principles:

  • relocation to the community;
  • reconciliation of the people to God and to each other;
  • redistribution of skills, education, and resources;
  • development of leadership from within the community;
  • responding to the felt-needs of the community;
  • keeping the program church-based;
  • following a holistic approach to problem-solving; and
  • empowerment of the people of the community.

The CCDA makes available many resources for those interested in Christian Community Development. One of the more note-worthy books offered was written by CCDA founder, John M. Perkins. Restoring At-Risk Communities is a manual by Perkins and 14 other urban ministry professionals who give clear advice and guidance on how to effectively impact at-risk communities.
Noel Castellanos also invited everyone connected to the work of CSM to attend the CCDA conference in November. The conference will be held in Chicago and is a great opportunity to learn more about how organizations are successfully implementing community development around the nation and fellowship with fellow practitioners. The CSM staff will be attending, so let us know if you are interested in going! For more information, visit the CCDA website: