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Peacemaking in Wartimes! Every day we wake up to more news about the war in Ukraine. We feel sad. We weep, and we mourn for the people of Ukraine. The actions of the Russian government are evil, and it is evil that attempts to run this world growing every day. However, King Jesus rules the earth and all in it. We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus, and we have a choice to follow Him and His peace or evil and its chaos. We recently celebrated Resurrection Sunday, and my heart was peaceful as we worshipped and honored the truth of His grand story. He is alive, and that has the power to bring peace to all who follow Jesus. I hope and pray that peace comes into the people’s souls in Russia and Ukraine in the middle of this war.


While Ukraine and Russia battle one another on the earth, we are also in a spiritual battle for our souls. We see violence all around us, and the news is overwhelming, but the battle belongs to the Lord. At CSM, we have seen the hand of the Lord move mountains. Daily, we see the blessings of the Lord. We are watching our backyard and the community around us transform, especially as the stage is set for the World Games. It is exciting to see the city, local churches, and God’s people prepare for the world to enter their communities through the coming World Games! We cannot let our guard down with excitement but must take this opportunity to pray for all the people coming to our city that we will interact with as a result of these games. We pray for peace like a river to flow through our city as the world comes to Birmingham. July 7-17 are the dates we plan to entertain the world and share the love of Christ as a body of believers. The enemy will be moving as we host the world in our city. We know about all the illegal and inhumane activities and the depravity of the mind that attempts to overrule the festivities from fun to tragedy. There will be a war waged for the hearts and souls of all we host here.


We are aware of all the wars and rumors of wars around us in many different forms. As believers and as the body of Christ, we daily prepare for war. We battle not against flesh and blood but against powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places, which we read about in Ephesians 6. These are wartimes, and we are on the battlefield. We are all invited to take up the battle for Ukraine, Russia, and Birmingham through prayer warriors, front-line soldiers, and behind-the-scenes workers. Those of us in Birmingham can keep peace in our hearts and minds for our city and the world. CSM will post ways we plan to help and prepare for the World Games. Let’s serve our city together!

– Tracy