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What does it look like at CSM when a concrete mixer truck pulls up? A party, of course! Our S.W.A.T. (Serving With Available Time) team jumps to action, and you have never seen a happier bunch of fellas. All year around these volunteers come week after week to help Aaron with the Housing Ministry and all things construction and carpentry. Recently, they have been busy getting the back of the warehouse graded and the footings ready to build a stadium seating area off the back dock. This will be a meeting area for our volunteer groups, and a place where orientations and teaching can take place. You will see pictures throughout the current articles of large groups sitting on the floor or standing around. This construction project is actually a dream come true for our ministry, and will certainly create a better rally point for the camps and summer groups we host.

All year around these volunteers come week after week to help Aaron with the Housing Ministry and all things construction and carpentry.

The Housing Ministry is also assisted by groups that come from around the country to help create lasting change in Birmingham. One of the individuals our Housing Ministry has longed to help is Mr. David King. He worked alongside the S.W.A.T. team to help rehabilitate Howard Morris’s house with such a generous spirit, and has shown deep appreciation for the new roof the summer volunteers helped to replace on his house. These connections with individuals and families in the communities we serve are life-changing and life-giving experiences for the teams who come to Birmingham to work with us. We are blessed to be a part of it and to be a steward of your support. If you are skilled in construction, engineering, or carpentry and would like to join the S.W.A.T. team, please contact Kirsten Agee: