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Christmas time around Christian Service Mission is filled with joy and generosity. Whether delivering food to the community, providing resources to Christmas Shops at our partner churches, or Tracy Hipps walking around in his many holiday hats (both literally and figuratively – see below!), there is infectious laughter and love around every corner. In 2021, holiday needs were far from sparse due to the continuation of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is where Christmas in the City begins to be a beacon of light as one of CSM’s favorite and largest annual events.

Christmas is a season of giving for many. And this holds true for CSM as we served more than 25 sites and sent $2.4 million worth of resources across three states. We are grateful for the churches and organizations that volunteered their space and time to host these Christmas shops for their local communities. Each of our Christmas sites served 100 plus families. And CSM hosted our very own Christmas Shop for 40 children living in foster care, multiple teachers from local schools, staff and guests of a local women’s shelter, and various families. Our warehouse was decked out for the holidays’ thanks to some of our own Christmas elves, making our Christmas Shop even more special.

Annually, CSM partners with Ashley Furniture Store to provide Christmas food baskets across the community. Christian Service Mission connects members of local churches to deliver these baskets within their communities. This delivery may seem small, but it is an opportunity for our volunteers to be the hands and feet of Christ by building relationships established on the love of Christ and prayer.

The holidays can be a lonely season for many, but Christian Service Mission was blessed with the ability to display Christ’s love towards senior citizens. CSM is grateful for the opportunity to make additional Christmas baskets for over 500 senior citizens in Homestead facilities.

Thanks to our many partners, donors, and volunteers, there were hundreds of families and individuals smiling and feeling the love of the Church on Christmas morning. The spirit of the Lord was brightly felt daily here at Christian Service Mission, and we thank God for the opportunity to love and service people in this season of giving.