We would be remiss to let the summer end and to make ourselves busy with our plans for the fall without looking back on everything that God did through his hands and feet here at Christian Service Mission. God sent us over a thousand volunteers during June and July and we put them all to work! As a volunteer driven ministry, we have accepted God’s call for us to steward the resources with which he has blessed us.
We also worked with several community gardens to continue our initiative to produce healthy food for communities through our gardens and our cooking programs. Our housing ministry continues to work closely with homeowners all over Birmingham to build healthier homes and families through the restoration of houses in our partnering communities. Our volunteers worked all summer-long to advance CSM’s relationships with our homeowners and communities.
Volunteers helping us with Summers Camps:
New Rising Star Summer Camp
True Vine Summer Camp
CSM Garden Center Volunteers:
Volunteers working in the CSM warehouse:
Aldersgate UMC
Bells Baptist, TN
Franklin UMC, TN
Haiti and Trinity UMC
This list will give you an idea of how many groups were here from out of town (usually for a week at a time) and volunteering from around our city. A HUGE appreciation goes to Michael Bowen for his leadership and awesome management of these volunteer groups from around the country to make such a huge impact on our city!