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A letter from Tracy: The Source of our Vision and Dreams!

We spent several amazing days with Dr. Tony Evans, the pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Evans is a well-known author, speaker, and teacher. Dr. Evans has spoken several times over zoom to our One New Birmingham (ONB) group of pastors, and we were thrilled when he agreed to come to Birmingham to talk to us in person. ONB works to bring pastors and leaders together to see ourselves and our city changed. God is the Source of our vision and dreams. Our vision is for our city to embrace Oneness. The dream is to see people, leaders, pastors, and churches serving together for the reflection of the Kingdom of God. We want to see the Church be one in our city, while each church impacts its people and communities. For the last few years, a small group of leaders has gathered together to build relationships.

Dr. Evans says the Bible has one theme: God and His Kingdom. The vision is to build his Kingdom. The dream is to see his Kingdom come, and His will be done here on earth. He is the source for everything in the here and now and forever. Take some time and meditate on our King and his Kingdom. If you do, you will find that so much worry, pain, gladness, and enjoyment are about knowing the God we serve and resting in our service for his Kingdom.

Daily we should spend our time reading the word of God, which is our source of knowledge to know our God. Every day we should be meditating on Scripture and how we are to live our lives in his Kingdom here on earth while we have dreams and a vision in our hearts. Daily we are to do good works designed for us in serving others to help them in their Kingdom journeys. CSM has been put here by God to embrace Kingdom Oneness and impact Kingdom service with God’s Kingdom institution, the Church. This week affirmed that our vision and dreams align with God’s Kingdom agenda for the work on earth to affect the eternal work in heaven.

The source of all is God and his Kingdom, and we invite you to join us in this journey of Oneness. Our name alone is how we have served and will serve in the future: Christians Servicing the Mission of God. Let’s act together in His vision and dreams for His Kingdom.

– Tracy

Previous letters from 2022:

  1. The Source of our Resources (July)
  2. Shalom, Shalom! (June)
  3. Knowing Peace (May)
  4. Peacemaking in War Times (April)
  5. Training in Peacemaking (March)
  6. Blessed is the Peacemaker (February)
  7. 2022 – The Year of the Peacemaker (January)