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Spotlight on Relationships: Redeemer Lutheran Church Maryland

Redeemer Lutheran Church in Maryland sent a group of guys to visit us from October 31 to November 4. They brought seven men to do construction work with Aaron. They’ve been coming to Christian Service Mission since 2010.

There are two main reasons they love to visit Christian Service Mission. The first is the camaraderie they experience with Aaron and his construction SWATT (serving with available time and talent) team. The second is working with the homeowners whose homes they get to help improve. They want to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but it turns out that after all these years of investing in CSM, CSM feels a little bit like coming home and spending time with family.

Redeemer Lutheran tries to come to CSM twice a year with various groups, and they got away from that during covid. However, this year, they were able to get back on track and visit the mission twice. They love to sit and talk with homeowners when they are available. The guys love to see the warmth of the homeowners’ hearts as they work on a home.

They do a lot of hard work while at the mission (especially since it is construction), but they have so much fun that it almost feels like they aren’t working. Every time they come, they remember there is hope in this world. Their heart swells, and they feel great pleasure knowing how much Aaron and the construction SWATT team love their work and caring for various homeowners in Birmingham. That’s the true heart of ministry.

While they were here in November, they worked on Ms. William’s home. She is a widow with a special needs son. She keeps telling one of CSM’s staff members, Katy, “It feels like Christmas has come early!” What a blessing Redeemer Lutheran is to CSM. They bless us so much!

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